Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eggs are in LOCKDOWN!

Its day 18 and the eggs are on lockdown which simply means they wont be turned anymore and the lid stays put. The eggs are placed small end down in the egg cartons because that keeps the air cell at the top and thats where the chick will break through. Large end down would mean a drowned chick and we dont want that :o ! The humidity must be raised to about 70% and that what the sponges are for. There are channels in the bottom of the incubator that hold water also. See that rather large egg by the green sponge? Thats the double-yolker (twins). It has to remain laying down or the chick on bottom would must certainly drown. This egg will be quite an experiment...if the chicks survive I will have to help the one on bottom out. Thats a delicate job...if I help it out too early it will bleed to death, too late and I have a dead chick. So much could go wrong with that one that Im trying not to be overly hopeful. So between tonight and Sunday, there should be babies if all went well :) Cross your fingers! I will post progress pics and any new developments.

Check out the two bantam babies I bought a few weeks ago! So cute and they have tons of feathers on there feet

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