Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Chickens!

Spring has sprung! This year Im off on a new adventure. Last spring I ordered baby chicks from Cackle hatchery and thus began my chicken addiction :) They were the cutest little fuzzy butts and now they are providing my family and others with delicious farm fresh eggs. I've grown fond of the "girls" and so I've decided to add more ladies to the flock but this time Im incubating eggs from my lovely ladies and cutting out the middle man. BTW we do have roosters too...3 are in with the 20+ girls and there are 2 Rhode Island Red hens and 4 roos that are free range. They run amuck and generally stick close to the coop and chicken pen. This is what happens when you end up with more roos than you need but dont have the heart to make soup out of them!

I set up the incubator tonight and will give it a couple days for the temperature to stabilize....
In the meantime I'm picking out select eggs from the daily egg-gather to incubate. So far I've got these 10....Im really hoping my tiny little bantam hen, Goldie, will lay one of her teeny eggs so I can incubate it :) Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The little chickies in your header were already adorable, but with their little "hair pieces", they've broken the adorability meter! GREAT blog!
