Monday, January 21, 2013

Its almost chick time!

Spring is just around the corner and Im so excited! I placed my order with Cackle Hatchery last night! If you are thinking of ordering any chicks I highly recommend Cackle. They are out of Lebanon, Mo which is just a few hours from me here in Oklahoma. Its cold here and I dont want my babies to be transit any longer than necessary! I decided on all large brown egg layers, so by this summer I'll have eggs coming out of my ears! Here is my selection, 5 of each for a total of 15 hens....for
First we have the Buff Orpingtons. Beautiful blond fluffy butts!

Next are the Black Australorps. These little dudes are the cutest chicks. Black with a speck of white on their heads :)

Last are the traditional Rhode Island Reds. A popular bird with a great attitude, hardy and awesome egg layers.

These 15 will join my flock of 12. I have plans this spring for a brand new chicken "coop de ville" with an expanded area for foraging. New nest boxes. new perchs, new everything! I also have my eye on some easter eggers and some black marans. Chicken Addiction...I haz it!
As soon as Cackle gives me a shipping date, which should be in February I will blog and about it and when the chicks get here I will post pictures...many many pictures :)

Eggs I gathered today. I love the variety of colors!

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